Hello, and thanks for tuning in. As we move on to our second issue of the magazine, we’ve been impressed by the amount of positive feedback that we’ve gotten so far. We also, thankfully, got some slightly less-than-positive feedback. I say thankfully because it’s always good to know what we can do better. Continuous improvement is what we’re striving for, and we’ve made some tweaks to the layout and presentation of some parts of the magazine to try and give you the best possible OPT Magazine Reading Experience™.
In this issue, we (obviously) are exploring color and how it affects you on a day-to-day basis. A lot of the articles discussing color in this issue are from the point-of-view of our graphic designer, and not that of an optical professional. I’m hoping that’s going to give us a little bit of a different view on the subject than you may otherwise get. We also tried to work in some real-world examples that you may have dealt with before, since colors isn’t just about what frame looks fashionable. It can affect everything from how the patient feels about themselves, to how other people perceive them. The intent is to give you some new ideas and ways of thinking about the subject so that you can apply your own experiences and office situation and find something useful in there.
In this issue we’re also still trying to shape the feel of the magazine, in terms of how our articles are laid out and presented. As I said in our first issue, we want to make this magazine not only useful, but also interesting. So as you go through the magazine, please let us know what you like about it. Even more importantly, let us know what you don’t like about it. Since I’m not the one out there in the office every day with patients, I rely on you (well, not specifically you, but readers in general) to let us know what you want to know more about, or what subjects you’ve heard enough of.
Special Thanks
We wanted to give a special thanks to the
independently run optical lab FEA Industries
for their contributions and continued support.
They help make sure OPT stays the best magazine ever.