of the things that it's easy to lose sight of in today's industry is what ‘quality’ actually means. And when I say that, I'm referring to it from a few different angles. It's difficult enough for people that are actually in the industry to know what is “good quality” and what is “bad quality”. Whether it's a frame, a lens material, a free-form design, or whatever else, … [Read more...]
Letter from the Editor – Spring 2017 Issue
If you've followed us up to this point, then you've probably noticed a distinct lack of frames in this magazine. I think that served a purpose once, but now it's time for a change. No, we aren't merging with anyone. There’s not going to be an OPTluxilor. We do, however, want to stop discriminating against frame companies, and instead support all of the independents in this … [Read more...]
Letter from the Editor – Summer 2016 Issue
Hello, and thanks for tuning in. As we move on to our second issue of the magazine, we've been impressed by the amount of positive feedback that we've gotten so far. We also, thankfully, got some slightly less-than-positive feedback. I say thankfully because it's always good to know what we can do better. Continuous improvement is what we're striving for, and we've made some … [Read more...]